Welcome to English 8!
I look forward to a year filled with expanding upon the knowledge that you have gained in your previous ELA classes. You will also gain new and more in-depth knowledge about English Language Arts, our language, and some amazing literature. Keep this document in your binder as a reference to use throughout the year so you will always be able to be prepared for class.
Please have all of your materials with you at the beginning of class. These include:
Assigned books Loose-leaf paper
Binder (with dividers) Homework
Pens and Pencils Agenda
Classroom Policies
Grading Policies
Grades are calculated based on a point system. Your average is calculated by the number of points accumulated divided by the total number of points possible.
*Formative tasks account for up to 20% and summative assessments account for 80% or more of the average.
All tests and quizzes will be announced. For this reason, there will not be any make-up tests.
Assignments must be ready to be turned in or checked when requested.
If you are in school, even for only a short time, you are responsible for all assignments and deadlines.
When you return to school, the assignments you missed will be written on a "While You Were Out…” form.
Homework should be done neatly on LOOSE-LEAF PAPER—NO FUZZIES!!
All work must:
There is an area provided for you with supplies (tape, scissors, staplers, etc.).
Each time you must leave the room during class time, you must sign out.
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. All participants will receive consequences.
Please read and sign the attached form. I will be keeping it for my records for future reference.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's work this school year, please feel free to contact me by:
Sending in a note with your child.
Calling the office to make an appointment to see me (265-2000)
We have read the policies and responsibilities for Mrs. Baxter's English 8 class and we understand them. We understand that completing assignments and being prepared for class is an expectation.
(Student) Date
(Parent/Guardian) Date